No practice on Tuesday!

Hey team!

Just a reminder that we will not have practice on Tuesday due to the holiday. Moving forward, we will keep Monday and Tuesday practice at 7pm-9pm.

Have a great 4th of July!

sarah bundy
New Tournament Format!

Hey everyone!

I’ve been working on designing a new format for our weekly Monday tournaments that hopefully will fit better within our 2 hour practice time. I’ve outlined the general details of how it will work in the video below, just to give you an idea of what to expect. I’m really excited to try this out and I hope it’s something you all enjoy!

It helps out a lot if I have a headcount ahead of time, so please let me know if you are unable to make it to practice.

-Coach Blake

sarah bundyComment
Beach Bash Film

Hi team!

I have good news and bad news; the good news is that we’ve finally uploaded the film from this and last week’s Beach Bash tournaments, but the bad news is that we had an issue with one of our cameras and we lost a lot of film so if you don’t see film of your matches that’s why. Sorry we weren’t able to get film of everyone :(

We just got a new replacement camera so we should be good to go for next week’s tournament without any more issues!

sarah bundyComment

Hi Team,

Beach Bash videos from 6/2 are finally up!

Also just a head’s up to keep an eye on the calendar as we have a couple of upcoming things (I’ll send an email covering this in a few days as well). There will be NO PRACTICE on Thursday, 6/15 due to a tournament at Game On. We are also still trying to nail down a day to have team pictures; right now we’re looking at the end of June or sometime in July.

See you at practice tonight!

sarah bundyComment
5/26 Beach Bash Film

Hey team!

The film from Friday’s Beach Bash is finally up! We were short one camera so we were only able to film a handful of matches, sorry we weren’t able to get more :(. Next week we’ll be back to running two cameras!

Great job to everyone who competed, it’s awesome to see how much you’re all improving as you get more experience competing in the sand!

sarah bundyComment
5/19/23 Tournaments

Hey team,

The film from last night’s Beach Bash is posted! Great job to everyone who competed, and congrats to Aaron, Parker, and Gage on your wins! Also congrats to Brynne and Taylor on your Friday Night Lights tourney win!

We would love to see even more athletes participate in these events; you can find dates and links to register on the calendar. If you need to find a partner to compete with, just let us know and we’ll help you out! You are not required to compete with another club member, and if you’re up to competing in the adult division you might be able to get Coach Blake as a partner!

sarah bundyComment
Goal Cards

Hi Team!

Great practice tonight! I just want to remind everyone to please fill out your goal cards and turn them into me as soon as you can; We want to make sure we’re tracking your goals and helping you work towards them. Your goal can be as big or as small as you want (for example your goal may be to jump higher or improve your serve or simply just to have fun trying something new), it’s up to you! Special shoutout to Parker for being the first (and only) person to turn in his goal card!

See you at practice tomorrow!


sarah bundyComment
5/5/23 Beach Bash!

Hey team!

All of the film from the tournament has been edited and is in the process of being uploaded! You can review it under the ‘film’ tab of the member area (we post these videos as unlisted on Youtube so you need a direct link to be able to view them). We highly recommend reviewing film because it’s one of the best things you can do to give your brain feedback of your performance in a perspective that you can’t get while playing.

We also use film to calculate player stats, which give you a quantitative view of your improvement over time and help to set measurable goals (we’ll be going over this on Monday).

Have a great weekend!

sarah bundyComment